SUNJET II is a support action funded by the European Commission, aiming at enhancing the relations between EU and Japan in research activities related to aviation. The project unfolds in two main directions, which at the same time form its main objectives:
i) Building on existing relationships and experience gained from previous collaborations among European and Japanese key-players, SUNJET II will develop consolidated roadmaps in the fields of Airframes, Engines, Systems and Equipment with the support of R&T Institutions, Academics and Cluster Communities. Out of the above mentioned roadmaps, key topics for future EU-Japan R&T cooperation in the field of aviation will be selected, with an assessment of the funding and time required, and concrete recommendations for future EU-Japan Calls will be produced taking into consideration the EU and Japanese R&T mechanisms. At the same time, a guidance desk will be made available, providing to both the European and Japanese research community relevant guidance material, including recommendations and best practices from past and ongoing cooperation activities.
ii) At the same time, several actions will be implemented, aiming at promoting communication, networking and exchanges between the European and Japanese aeronautics stakeholders. These include a number of physical meetings in Europe and Japan, as well as a dedicated on-line forum platform to facilitate communication and the development of contacts between European and Japanese researchers.