HERMES (Establishing a CompreHEnsive transport Research information Management and Exchange System)
The HERMES project aims to develop a closer and more effective communication, between researchers working in the field of transport technologies in the EU, and their counterparts around the world by facilitating the exchange of information and developing a framework for long term collaboration.
This will be achieved through the establishment of a common portal for accessing information from databases of past and ongoing research projects worldwide, in collaboration with database managers worldwide. As part of these activities HERMES will seek to obtain agreement for a harmonisation of database architectures, so that information can be accessed easily by researchers world-wide.
The Hermes Transport Research Portal went live in April 2013, it allows users to search the content of >100 transport research databases and data sources. If you are a transport researcher, you may benefit from using the portal in your research. If you are a database manager and would like to link in to it, then please visit the portal at to contact us.
The HERMES Project is funded by the European Commission under the Framework 7 Programme and will run for 27 months from November 2011 to February 2014. The aim is to create a portal for transport research databases worldwide.