HIKARI (HIgh speed Key technologies for future Air transport)

High – Speed Transportation enters a new era.

Lunch in Tokyo, breakfast in Paris…same day… in that order!

HIKARI (light in Japanese) aims at pursuing and bringing one step further cooperation between Europe and Japan in the field of high speed transport (HST).The primary output from HIKARI will be technology roadmaps relying on synergies between all the different projects brought by the partners, and more particularly ZEHST, ATLLAS, LAPCAT, LEA, Japanese projects.

HIKARI project’s vision is to unify all the existent research and promote it one step further so as to establish roadmaps both for technology development and demonstration strategy of future high-speed aviation.

To achieve that goal, HIKARI gathers the most renowned partners already involved in relative research projects, both from Japan and Europe, thus directly benefiting from their experience, background and competencies. HIKARI also lays the foundation to overcome today’s obstacles and create the path where High Speed Transportation will be a real and implementable scenario of our future’s daily life, allowing us, for example, to fly from Paris to Tokyo in less than three hours.

HIKARI, in general, takes a stand on both development cost and risks and technology readiness level so as to help federate initiatives, derive common goals, and also contribute to advancement in keys research areas related to future’s high speed air – transport.

For more information, you can view the HIKARI project summary here.


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